Safeguarding - Church of England

The Church of England, through The National Safeguarding Team, NST, is working to increase the capacity and expertise of parishes, dioceses and other Church of England institutions to respond to safeguarding concerns and support victims and survivors. We are not able to offer either an emergency or 24-hour response but there are Safeguarding Advisors in every diocese and Safeguarding Officers in every parish. 

Safeguarding - Truro Diocese

The Church of England, through The National Safeguarding Team, NST, is working to increase the capacity and expertise of parishes, dioceses and other Church of England institutions to respond to safeguarding concerns and support victims and survivors. We are not able to offer either an emergency or 24-hour response but there are Safeguarding Advisors in every diocese and Safeguarding Officers in every parish.

The Church of England Safeguarding Children Policy ‘Protecting all God’s Children’, has as its first principle: “We are committed to the Safeguarding, care and nurture of the children within our church community”.

Within its Safeguarding Adults Policy ‘Promoting a Safe Church’, The Church of England’s first principle is: “We are committed to the respectful pastoral ministry of all adults within the church community”.

The Diocese of Truro wholeheartedly endorses these principles and wishes to provide support, advice and information to all those in its parishes who give of their time – both paid and voluntarily – to work with vulnerable adults and children.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted by clicking HERE

Safeguarding - Stratton Deanery

Safeguarding within Stratton Deanery follows the Church of England's guidelines in that each parish has a Safeguarding Co-ordinator with the suppport of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team - view each church to find the Safeguarding Co-ordinator for that parish.

PCCs are required to review their parish safeguarding policy annually and, if there is work with children, youth and/or vulnerable adults, they should receive an annual report from the Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator.

These roles are important, illustrating how seriously the Diocese takes all issues of safeguarding. The parish co-ordinators are there to support the priest with these issues and provide an independent person to whom members of the parish may turn.

Should an issue or concern arise the first contact should be the Parish Co-ordinator as listed under each church.

In an emergency:
Local Authority Children’s Social Care: – 0300 123 1116
Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: – 0300 1234131