St. Julitta
Rural Dean: Revd Canon Rob Dickenson
Ranelagh, Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6XA
Tel: 01288 341016 Mob: 07970 960777 email:
Michael Titchin
Tel: 01840 213329
Celia Langley
Tel: 01840 261396
Carol Williams
Tel: 01840 211094
PCC Secretary:
St. Juliot Church:
This remote church is famous as it was restored by Thomas Hardy and it was here that he met his first wife Emma Gifford. There are several monuments in the church in their memory.
Hardy was asked to restore the church which was in danger of falling down. The tower was rebuilt by Hardy in 1872.
The porch is particularly fine with a groined roof and carving.
The present North aisle was the original central aisle (but several feet of building at the east end have been removed), and the current main aisle was the original South aisle.
There is an early piscine in the south wall of the chancel but it is thought that this was moved here by Hardy during the restoration.
The screen and pulpit were also installed by Hardy though not to his original design. He wanted to repair the original screen with careful patching, but the enthusiasm of the local builder overtook his wishes. When Hardy found the present screen the builder explained: ‘I said to myself I won’t stand on a pound or two while I’m about it, I’ll give ‘em a new screen instead of that patched up old thing!’
There are several ancient crosses in the graveyard which have been moved here over the years by local people for safety.